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The Proper Approach To Drilling Techniques In BJJ

advice drilling improvement progress tips training Dec 11, 2023

The common approach to drilling techniques in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu often revolves around the quantity of repetitions.
Many practitioners focus on hitting a certain number of repetitions, believing that this will lead to mastery...

However, this method is not the most effective for skill development.
After a certain point, simply repeating a move does not significantly enhance the practitioner's understanding or execution of the technique.

A more effective approach to drilling in BJJ involves adopting an active, exploratory mindset.
Instead of mindlessly repeating a technique, you should focus on experimenting with minor adjustments in angles, positioning, and placement. This method encourages a deeper understanding of each move, allowing you to discover nuances and details that might have been overlooked in a more mechanical approach.

The goal is to develop a sense of mechanical efficiency in each position.
This is achieved not just by repetition, but by understanding the subtleties and variations of each move.

As you continue to drill with this mindset, you'll begin to recognize the "feel" of a technique done correctly.
This understanding is then tested and refined in more challenging scenarios, such as in sparring and competitions.

By focusing on quality and exploration rather than sheer quantity, you can develop a more profound and effective understanding of techniques.
Do it. And you'll notice your skills improving almost exponentially.

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