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Rafael Lovato Jr. ADCC 2024 silver medal

Reflecting On ADCC 2024: A Battle Well Fought

adcc adcc 2024 competition rafael lovato jr. tournament Aug 20, 2024

As I step away from ADCC 2024 with a silver medal around my neck...
I find myself filled with a mix of emotions.

Taking home the silver medal wasn’t the outcome I had envisioned, but the journey leading up to that moment has been one of the most significant chapters of my life.

Preparing for this ADCC was one of the most challenging experiences of my life.
At 41 years old, with the responsibilities of running my academy, mentoring my students, and being a father, the demands were greater than ever.

My body, quite worn out by years of intense training and competition, felt every bit of the grind.
Yet, through every challenge, I found a deeper reason to keep going.

What for, you may ask?
Because this ADCC wasn’t just another competition for me - it was a final chance to test my limits on one of the biggest stages in grappling.

It was about seeing how far I could push myself, both mentally and physically, despite the odds.
And while I may not have achieved the gold, I proved to myself that I could still stand with the best in the world.

The silver medal I earned represents more than just a result.
It’s a testament to the countless hours of preparation, the battles fought on and off the mats, and the determination to keep going.

It symbolizes the resilience that has defined my career and the love I have for this sport that has shaped my life.

ADCC 2024 was about embracing the journey, rising to the challenge, and finding strength in every struggle.
I walk away from this experience with pride, knowing that I gave it everything I had.

Thank you for being part of this journey with me.


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