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Improve Faster – Don't Train (Just) To Be Tougher

advice improvement progress tips training Oct 14, 2024


In my journey through Jiu-Jitsu, I've learned that improvement doesn't come from just doing what you're already good at.
It comes from digging deep into the areas you're weakest in.

We all have those positions where we feel comfortable, where we know how to dominate.
It feels great to train those strengths – and it can even give you the illusion that you're making progress just because you're refining what you already know.

But if you really want to see massive growth, you've got to step outside of that comfort zone.

You see, the key isn’t about getting tougher at your favorite moves or positions, but becoming more well-rounded in your overall game.

I’ve noticed that too many practitioners focus their training on their strong side or their favorite techniques.
They drill them relentlessly, thinking that by making their A-game even sharper, they’ll dominate more.

Sure, that is true in the way that when you compete, you need to have your A-game refined as much as possible and resort to it.
However, if you want to become as complete of a BJJ practitioner possible – if you want to discover your potential in the entirety of your Jiu-Jitsu game – then success isn't about specialising in one or two areas.

Instead, the real success comes from being solid no matter where the fight goes.
Whether you’re attacking or defending, in top or bottom positions, you need to develop confidence in every aspect of the art.

That’s why I encourage my students – and why I still remind myself – to put time into their weak spots.
Don’t avoid the positions where you struggle.

If escaping from Side Control is a challenge for you, then that’s exactly where you need to be spending your time.
If your back defense isn’t as sharp as it could be, drill it over and over until you have the confidence to escape from even the worst situations.

This idea extends to all parts of your game. Work on the small details that can make a big difference.
The more you train your weaknesses, the more balanced and dangerous you’ll become on the mats.

Becoming a complete grappler means building yourself up from every angle, not just relying on what you already do well.

So, if you want to really push yourself in Jiu-Jitsu, get comfortable being uncomfortable.
That’s where the most amount of growth happens.

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